Monday, July 1, 2013

Updates on SB5 and Rally Today at High Noon

If you've yet to hear, and are interested, Rick Perry called another special session regarding the issues in SB5. 
There is to be a rally at the Capital at noon. Unfortunately  I cannot be there because, coincidentally, I will giving a presentation over SB5 and Wendy Davis to my class this afternoon. I'm going to head over afterward if it's still going on, however, if you are even somewhat interested in going- I really encourage you to put on your orange and do so! 
Here are a few resource I can give you to keep following the progress & see how you can get involved:

Please let me know anything else you might hear or if you go! Again, I really encourage you to go if you can!


  1. Don't rally just to join a band wagon! Do your research ladies! SB5 is working FOR women- not against them. Be educated, not a follower!

    1. I suggest you do the same, Anonymous. This article is a good place to start.

  2. Google what a 20-week sonogram looks like and ask yourself if abortion at that time (or any) is OK. Adoption is what is healthy for a women - not abortion. Start doing the right thing as women and empower eachother to make the right choice for our health rather than be shamed into something that will cause pain for a lifetime.

    1. Anonymous, I would like to clarify to you that although you might wish that you could make decisions for everyone, one approach will never be universally applicable in situations such as these. We cannot for a moment believe that by wiping out safe abortion clinics, like Planned Parenthood (that also provide several other vital services to women), that abortion will be wiped out as a result. Would you rather a pregnant woman be thrown down a flight of stairs to get rid of an unwanted child or become familiar with a coat hanger? There are many ways to abort a child, and quite frankly, if she is set on doing it (or another member of her family, or the father)- she/they will get it done, whether it is unsafe for her or the baby. Additionally, what about victims of rape or incest? There is nothing in SB5 that addresses cases such as these. Further, these clinics provide irreplaceable services outside of abortions. A Representative who represents a district in El Paso spoke Tuesday saying that many in her district do not receive running water or electricity. Many mothers and children rely on the same clinics that provide abortions to provide other medical services that they could not afford elsewhere. You cannot believe that a clinic in an area like that will be able to meet the new qualifications enforced by SB5. If you want SB5 to pass, I suggest that you step up and start planning to help fund the programs that help fight against existing problems such as this, because SB5 surely isn't going to help.
